Showbox description/Thumbnail description 
Автор: Agron K.
Просмотрено 3501,
Подписчики 2,
Размещенный 0
I have an idea: You should make an option that in a Gallery Object on emust be able to add a name for a thumbnail that shows in the page. When you add a dscription, this description shows only when the thumbnail is opened ina big box, but does not show in the page under the thumbnail.
If this option does exist, please let me know.
Hello Agron,
well, if I have understood correctly, this exists already: if you add the Gallery object in your page and choose the Horizontal Gallery for example then add a description for each image you have placed in it, you should achieve the result you are searching for. You will then have to click on the image to enlarge it and the description you have typed in will be below it. This description does not appear in the small thumbnail.
Please try and let me know if I can help any futher!
Hi, I post that idea in
is that you want, gallery with text under immage, like product catalog!?
I hope Incomedia solve that feature, jquery suport that option easy!
Make it, its great option and great improvement for costumers, and finaly this is a feature that is missing and it should be *must have* !!
All the best !!
Hi Samantha,
I want the description to appear under the thumbnail. Gorg has it correct...
Ok, thank you for the info Agron and for your help Gorg!
This has been passed again to our technical team.
We waiting for action...yet !
Here is link site that I made.
>A gallery is made with an external program, This gallery is that we need into WSX5 !!
here is real link
Hi, what about this action !?
Is possible to be soon !???
All the best !
Hi Gorg,
this idea will be evaluatedasall other, but it's not surethere should be established andimmediately, thenI ask youto wait foranyfuture updates,and seethaupdatechangelogdetails.
I can't wait...
Hi John,
please specify your question opening a new topic please.
Hi, again
please give us information when will be upper promised promotion for V9, and is there will be new modern slidešhows, new modern transition efect in gallery ( new html5 gallery is ok, but transition effects is poor) , product catalog gallery option, banner rotators, accordion text widgets, jquery widgets etc.
And one friendly sugestion, change please arrows look into gallery control bar, take some modernize look, these are really very ugly and resemble those of 10 years ago (triangles ...) And for showbox allso...!
All the best,
we waiting for concrete improvements.
we waiting correct answers too long, place...
All the best
Hi Gorg,
you can see the changelog for the fix of the updates:
i remember you that you can use the object HTML for insert yout personal code,gallery,or script for effect.
Try to see the guides on google and insert your personal gallery.
I appreciate your response,
but there was no question whether externally to insert code, but when our program will be updated with new additions and the opportunities it certainly lacks in order to be modern - the issue of promotions, new additions, remains unanswered for a long time, and we as customers expect for program to get theimprovements that follow the latest trends ...
This is certainly well-intentioned suggestion, I use WSX5 for years, and I worked on the translation of the V8 and V9 in Serbian, what is to me as a user I do to improve it, and get closer to users, but all of these options listed above is really missing * as standard equipment *
Other manufacturers, which I will not mention, have long offered all this as the most basic version softvear, and I like and use WSK5, and kept asking why, and when, my program will have all of these features, a nicer and more modern arrows in galleries, new additions (widgets) etc ...
All the best ,
I waiting ...
Hi Gorg,
many users write post in "idea" section, the ideas will be evaluate for the future release.
Butwill not berealizedcertainlyand immediately.
So you can see the the changelog forupdatesto the program.