Автор: Jane M.
Просмотрено 1539,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
I have inserted the video (mov) format on the webpage. And when I preview my website, the video automatically starts without my permission. I don't want the video to start automatically. I want the video to start only when I click the start button.
How do I do this?
Thank you very much for your help!
It still says here you are using a "DEMO" version?
According to what you have said you must be using a V8 version.... Because it doesn't give you the option to allow the video to be run automatically as in V9.....
I suggest purchasing X5 V9!!
Or if you want an answer from the staff they open again on Monday!!
Yes, I'm using the website v 8.
Did I understand correctly, I cannot make the video start when I click the start button, It can only start automatically when I enter my website without my persmission.
Thank you.
V8 videos start automatically as soon as you enter the page.... V9 videos you have have the choice of them starting or not!!
Do what you did previously in a post and copy the HTML Code from the page and insert "FALSE" to automatically start!!