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Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Preview and Published anomolies  en

Автор: Nigel W.
Просмотрено 2332, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

Hi there...

Please take a look at the images which show the Preview of the top text cell and the published one.

In the preview version, the text fits the cell with no gap at the bottom of it but upon publishing, this effect has not registered and the gap appears!

I have set the cell's inner and outer margins at "0" and "fitted content to cell width".

However, if I close down the programme and then open it up at a later time and go to this particular cell, then "fitted content to cell width" has disappeared and seemingly has not been saved.

I am wondering if this is the reason why, upon publishing, the effect hasn't registered?

What can you do to assist, please?

11 Ответы
Claudio N.

Hi Nigel,

I think the problem is related to the used fonts (like Balloonist SF and AR CENA).

On my PC I don't have those fonts so I see the classic Times New Roman instead. The cells fits without gap (as you can see from my screenshot).

Did you try to change the font face?

However, if I close down the programme and then open it up at a later time and go to this particular cell, then "fitted content to cell width" has disappeared and seemingly has not been saved.

The "fitted content to cell width" is used just to show you, while typing, where the text is going to wrap. It has no effects on the final site graphics so I exclude that to be the cause of the problem.

Keep me informed.

Thank you!

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Размещено От Claudio N.
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Hiya Claudio...

I can't see why the font has anything to do with it as on that same page, other blocks behave properly.

It CERTAINLY makes a difference in clicking on the "fit cell" icon!

Throughout my site, I have had to perform this action with the cursor after the end of the text and pressing "delete" a few times to correct untidy spaces, using the published version to check.

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Размещено От Nigel W.
Claudio N.

I've asked to the developers. They said that the "fit to cell" icon doesn't have effect on the cell content. It's just a preview feature wich allows you to see the real cell size while typing your text.

I see that the font, in your screenshot, has a different size in preview than after exporting the site.

With which browser do you see the smaller text? Is it FireFox?

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Размещено От Claudio N.
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Hi Claudio...

I'm using IE9 mostly....Same "look" in Safari and Google Chrome.'re right...the published website Home Page DOES show the text smaller...I wonder why? That would account for the gap beneath the first block (i.e. it isn't filling the cell).

HOWEVER, I really disagree about the "fit to cell" process! I ALWAYS place my cursor after the last piece of text in a cell, press delete a few times (to get rid of space) and then press "fit to cell"

For example, converting a page width of text to a squarer cell and adding a photograph in the corresponding cell always takes a bit of juggling to make them neat.

When I then preview/publish, the block of text concerned shows this change in both instances.

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Размещено От Nigel W.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


@Nigel.... Claudio is right about the fonts!

Use "Web Safe" fonts and it does make a difference in size, try your graphics program with different fonts and the size difference is remarkable!

If you are wanting to use other fonts, use images instead!! (Or embed them)

Browsers are interpretating text differently, especially with the introduction of HTML5.... I suggest being a bit more aware of the fonts you use Nigel.


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Размещено От Cheeky Man
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Hi Frank...Wink

You might well be right...I'll look into it...not a big problem, really.

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Размещено От Nigel W.
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Addendum Undecided

I have changed the Home Page font to Comic Sans MT,which is supposed to be Web Safe but the anomoly still exists.

Preview is sized correctly but publishing creates gaps at bottom of text cells.

(Incidentally, I use very little variation from Tahoma in the rest of my site...)

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Размещено От Nigel W.
Claudio N.

What if you try with tahoma? Do you still see the gap?

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Размещено От Claudio N.
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Hi Claudio...

In the rest of my site, I quite often see a gap...I add or subtract script until it looks neat.

HOWEVER, that's when I click on the "fit to cell". Seriously, it does seem to make a difference, although you are saying it is only a visual tool I really feel that it DOES alter things.

(I am wondering, if in a future update, there could be a red line, or equivalent, at the bottom of the cell when editing, which shows more clearly when text is about to overflow the correct block and, conversely showing how much more text is needed if there isn't enough.)

The only other thing I'm wondering is whether the cell shape, that I created in Photoshop...i.e. it has curved corners, is interfering with the text wrap/


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Размещено От Nigel W.
Claudio N.
In the rest of my site, I quite often see a gap...I add or subtract script until it looks neat.

This is really strange. The cell's height should adapt to the text height, not vice versa. Of course, most depends on the cells aside the text (if they're longer or not).

(I am wondering, if in a future update, there could be a red line, or equivalent, at the bottom of the cell when editing, which shows more clearly when text is about to overflow the correct block and, conversely showing how much more text is needed if there isn't enough.)

We are designing something like this.

The only other thing I'm wondering is whether the cell shape, that I created in Photoshop...i.e. it has curved corners, is interfering with the text wrap/

The cell background style (whether it has curved corners or not) doesn't interfere with the text itself. The only property which acts on the text is the cell's width.

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Размещено От Claudio N.
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Maybe the science does not always behave as expected?

Maybe, because mine is such a big site, there are slow rewriting problems or sets of formulas that become fractured.

I've just uploaded a new article:

EXACTLY the same process.

The Preview showed a massive space underneath the text block...until I used the "fit to cell" icon and tapped out delete after the last words of the text.

(Only one thing I can think of. Quite often I duplicate an existing page and rewrite over it as there are many common cells and features that save me having to redo them as on a new blank page)

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Размещено От Nigel W.