Incomedia 8 has ceased to create pages 
Автор: Alexander K.Incomedia 8 has ceased to create new pages (to attention of producers)
Dear producers of Incomedia.
I make use of (exploit) Incomedia 8 and I have faced the great problem.
My site consists approximately of 1000 pages. I have attained a point when I can not create any new page. Help me, please. Or it is the end?
It is necessary for me to download still, at least, 1000 pages within a year.
If I continue the project with Incomedia 9 (I have purchased it), will it solve this great problem?
While I have not transferred to Incomedia 9 because of technical difficulties. Incomedia 9 works more slowly and does not create a project file in the directory selected by me. It does not understand my command. And prolongs to create files only in one directory which I did not point it at all.
I wait for your answer with impatience
Yours faithfully, Alexander Koltypin
In V8 there was a limit..... V9 there is possibly it's unlimited? They are boasting you can create 10,000 pages!! BUT DON'T!! You shouldn't have a 1000 page website really it's too large. You need to split it up into manageable proportions!
the version number 8 has a limit of 1000, the version 9 has a limit of 10 000. So yes, the 9th version solves your problem!
Many thanks for a promising answer. I reformatted the project from 8 versions to the same project in 9 versions. It has turned out fine. There is one more thing which has unspeakably pleased me - links (hyperlinks) to other pages of the site write down instantly, and each such link in 8 versions was written from 10 seconds till 1 minute, depending on a computer. The producers - good fellows.
There are however 2 things which do not allow me to work further at Inkomedia 9:
1) Each time when I press "View page", the project begin to record COMPLETELY, and record of 1000 pages occupies from 2 till 4 hours!!! In Incomedia 8 it was function "see one page" which occupied 2-3 seconds, and in Incomedia 9 such possibilities are not present. Yes, at project record it is possible to work. But it is easier to tell, than to make - all resources of my powerful computer are enabled on record - it even make a strong noise at this time. Speed of work is very slow.
2) the Same occurs, when I press "Save". In Incomedia 8 I could keep changes on 1 page. And in Incomedia 9 - only entirely. Earlier I stored the project and built the site 2-3 times a month. At that, record of all project from 1000 pages took 3 minutes, and record of all site - 20 minutes. And now the program compels me to do it 20 times per day, all time something writing down. For 10 hours of work I have managed to bring little changes only in 3 pages. For what time I should remake 1000 pages?
And still - it would be desirable to write down a project in a directory not only on a disk C, but also on disk D or E.
Probably, I incorrectly do something. If I do right, whether manufacturers can improove the program? I would very appreciate.
Excuse me, last time I have pressed by mistake a key "the Problem is solved". It is not solved.
Hi Alexander,
my colleague answered here