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S. Boselli
S. Boselli

Attach File Form Issue  en

Автор: S. Boselli
Просмотрено 2067, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi, I am writing because I am having an issue with the attach file object in a form. I am trying to insert the attach file object in one of my forms, but when I use it, and I press the "Send" button, I do not receive any email in my account, nor an error message. What should I do to make it work?? Any suggestions would be appreciated... Looking forward to a reply ASAP. Santiago.

9 Ответы - 1 Корректно
S. Boselli
S. Boselli

The forms are in a private section. Only authorized users can see them... I just wanna know what to do in order to make them work correctly.



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Размещено От S. Boselli
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Assuming your server is working correctly, it must be X5 that is causing the problem according to you.... So try changing the mail scripts in "Preferences" at the beginning of the program!!



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Размещено От Cheeky Man
S. Boselli
S. Boselli

I don't believe that's the problem, Frank. Every other form I use in my entire website works perfectly... I called to my Hosting Service, and by tomorrow I'll be receiving an answer. If there are any more suggestions, please let me know.

Thanks a lot.


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Размещено От S. Boselli
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Now you are telling me that your emails work...... You said in your first post that you don't recieve emails to your account??



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Размещено От Cheeky Man
S. Boselli
S. Boselli

I don't receive emails from the form that contains the attach-file-field. I do perfectly receive emails from the other forms used in my site...

Suggestions Frank? I haven't received any answer from my ISP yet :(

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Roberto M.
Roberto M.

Maybe the problem is file weight limit. If you receive normal email i think there is no problem in send process. Server default size limit is 8 Mb.

Try this things too:

1. Refresh Website X5 cache with combination CTRL + Preview Button

2. Refresh your browser cache. Open the page with email form and press Ctrl + F5 together

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Размещено От Roberto M.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


@S. Boselli - It's your server old pal.....

Probably the security! Most hosting companies will allow emails being sent but regarding "Files" over a certain size they will block. They could possibly be construed as a virus!

Ask your hosting company again about "File Attachments" being sent from the server!



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Размещено От Cheeky Man
S. Boselli
S. Boselli

Issue solved. Today I received an email from my ISP. It was, as Frank said, a security problem. Now it works perfectly!

Thank you guys for all...


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