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Hermes Mendonca
Hermes Mendonca

Filter in the Shopping Cart  en

Автор: Hermes Mendonca
Просмотрено 1191, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: brazil,hermes

Hi, I´d like to know if is possible to create FILTERS in the SHOPPING CART. Per example, to filter a list of products per price, or band of prices (100usd until 1000usd). I am development a website to RENT HOUSES COMPANY, and I use two categories in the shopping cart (RENT and SALE). I would like to filter the products of these categories by price or by band of price, this is possible? Thank you.

Hermes (Brazil)

1 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Michele C.

Hello Hermes,

at the moment this is not possible beacuse we only provide basic ecommerce funcionality but if you wish to have it in the future releases of WebsiteX5 you can open an "idea" post where you point out your wish.

Hope you understand, thank you

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