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Preston M.
Preston M.

Accordians & Tabbed Pages -- HOW?  en

Автор: Preston M.
Просмотрено 1383, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Greetings X5 Experts All,

This is my first day of using Evolution 9.  I badly need to use an accordian or tabbed section to complete my X5 website.   If Evo 9 offers a 'native' feature for inserting or embedding a tabbed section, I can't find it.  I assume Incomedia overlooked adding the essential feature of accordians and tabs.  (And Evo 9 is the premium version of the X5 family!) 

Can somebody please recommend the best way to add a tabbed section to an Evo 9 web page.

I thank you for your reply in advance.

Best regards, Preston

3 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen


By tabbeb version, what do you mean?


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Размещено От Henrik Hansen
Preston M.
Preston M.

Hello Henrik,

I appreciate your offer to assist.

A photo is worth 1000 words.  Please visit: That web page shows exactly what I mean by 'tabbed pages'.

I hope I don't have to buy that Likno software for $80 in order to make tabbed pages in Evolution 9!

Yes, I shall be deeply grateful if you can tell me a better, less expensive way to add 'tabbed sections' to an Evo 9 web page.

Thank you,  Preston

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Размещено От Preston M.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

I see what you mean now.

There are no such feature in the X5. If there is, I have not discovered it yet.

However, you can write your own code intro the site using the "HTML & Widgets" object.

Google it :-)

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Размещено От Henrik Hansen