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gisela kloess
gisela kloess

Delete comments not possible  en

Автор: gisela kloess
Просмотрено 1040, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I logged into x5 Manager but can't delete the comments. I have two weird comments in my guestbook. spam. I wonder how that happened.. also, how do I delete them? www.

2 Ответы
gisela kloess
gisela kloess

I truly need an answer to this problem. i received two more spam comments this morning. but no comments in the manager to be deleted.

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Размещено От gisela kloess
Riccardo P.

Hi Gisela,

try to insert the Capcha protection for the message in your blog or set the approval required for the show message in your site.

For the spam message  go in the admin page and in the tab guestbook you can remove these.

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Размещено От Riccardo P.