Edit the list of my websites ... 
Автор: Gregor B.
Просмотрено 1586,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
Is everyone here who can say how to change my websites? I want to update the photo my website. Thanks for your reply.
You already have a site made with X5 and uploaded? Make the change in X5 and just upload again.
If not then provide more information on your problem. I don't understand correctly where the problem lies....
Thanks! I want to update the photo in my section "my websites" because of some changes last time. You know I'm a newbie here and change the layout of my website until I'll find the right one. So I need an update of the screenshot from time to time and want to do that here. Kind regards ... Gregor
Gregor, I realy don't understand what you mean.
You want to update your photo, is this on internet or on your own computer or in a website on your pc made with x5.
You can make anytime a screenshot of everything and save it somewhere on your disc ?
Sorry i can't follow where or how... Please be more specifik
Hi Andre, sorry that I said it so difficult. I'm trying it once again: Please, have a look at "my websites". There you can see one screenshot of my website, can't you? I want to update this screenshot because I've changed the look of my homepage. You know what I mean. It's possible that this website here makes an update of this screenshot.
Mywebsitesisin yourprofileandthentestedby Incomediaunlockedwhen the ownerof the profileclickon the thumbnail, you shouldplacea refreshof the image,butoftenit takestimeuntil the databaseis updated.
The sites areonly visiblefor all, whentestedby Incomediaandnot offline
Hi Gragor,
when your siteis approvedwill beupdatedthe preview.
Your talking about your user profile in x5 answers.
Ok, know i understand, the answers are already given....