Shipping Payment, languages and others 
Автор: S. Usman
Просмотрено 1993,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
Shipping Payment still Dont have multi choice or database, we got a lot of city in indonesia and each city are diffrent charges, Languages for customer details, order form still cant change. already almost 1 year. today i found that after i try the ecommerce, shipping terms doesnt appears in the mail.
Theshopping cart systemWebsite X5is notequippedfor complexshop applications,you shouldprobablyfind ashop-system,whichcan perform its tasks.
Dear JBr,
as my concern and for all, Website X5 have to delete/remove their ads that showing websiteX5 capable to do/make/create online shopping cart.
Hello Usman,
WebsiteX5 permits to create a simple Ecommerce with little effort for the user, this Ecommerce has the basic functions and is used by a lot of our customers.
There could be many extra features on it and if you wish to have some particular ones I kindly ask you to open an "idea" post pointing it out.
Incomedia works every day in order to make WebsiteX5 faster and with more features.
Thank you for understanding