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E-mail Form, attachment Problem  en

Просмотрено 2056, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: attachment,form,mail

i have problem about my e-mail form. i can not receive attachment file by e-mail form. i've talk with my hosting firm. They said me " we check and everything is OK. they said me talk with program firm" i can receive e-mail form which mail is without attachment. Can you help me please. "Dear Omer, Thank you for contacting tech support. Hosting firm said that: I am sorry for the problem you have faced, but I have tried to submit your form several times and unfortunately as I can see messages were not delivered to *** mailbox as there are no new emails in webmail. I have also tried to setup my email address in /mail/imEmailForm_12o4371v.php file but email was not delivered either. I have tried sending email using mail() function test script on and it worked correctly so there are no troubles with PHP mail() on the server. Could you please recheck your form and scripts that are used to process it to be sure they are correct and if necessary turn to your web-developer to solve that problem. Thank you for your patience and kind understanding."

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Claudio D.

Hello Omer,

Start WebSite X5 and click on preferences. In this window you can change the script type for the email. Try the different scripts to check with which on your server the attachments can be sent.

If this should not help please send me the link to your website.

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