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Handsome C.
Handsome C.

Response needed!  en

Автор: Handsome C.
Просмотрено 405, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: having,issues

Ihave sent several emails concerning some functions of the software and have gotten no response although I have gotten advertisements to purchase more software frome you,It has been past 48 hrs. I am having issues with using the blog options from the advance acess area and my photos are still comming up in black and white with unregigiterd on them in fact my site appears as unregisterd version and I know I am registerd. Please respond, would love to have a phone number to call. Thank you!

1 Ответы
Claudio D.


I answered all your posts about your issue. Please follow the advises given in following post:

Many thanks!

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