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Wagner A.
Wagner A.

Upgrading to x9  en

Автор: Wagner A.
Просмотрено 752, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: upgrading

I have X8 and created a website. Can I easily upgrade to X9 without redoing the web site ?

5 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Wagner A.
Wagner A.

Thank you,

I followed your instruction and I have purchased the X9 upgrade.

Inversion 8 I had also purchased  templates. Can I use those templates or did I lost them  and I have to reorder a set ?


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Размещено От Wagner A.
Andre E
Andre E

It could be that these templates you have in V8 are in V9 standard. if not you didn't lose them you can still use them but only in version 8.

If you want more templates then V9 has standard then you have to purchase them. There are also some for free in your portal, but i always got by with the standard.So I'm not familiar with these free templates...

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Размещено От Andre E
Wagner A.
Wagner A.

Thnaks Andre. I am disapointed that I am loosing some stuff that I already paid for.

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Размещено От Wagner A.
Andre E
Andre E

Well Alain, we can discuss this but its not very usefull. As  mentioned you can still use them, there not lost. and V9 has a lot more templates then V8 had. But the templates software has been changed for better and more options. So the V8 can't be used in V9. But a lot of them are re-written and in the standard present . I can't help it eather, its progress.....

And it's not bad to change your template from time to time, it tells visitors that the website is kept updated and populair.  Cool

Goodluck with V9 ....

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Размещено От Andre E