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Haralampos Leontopoulos
Haralampos Leontopoulos

Content Language - Greek  en

Автор: Haralampos Leontopoulos
Просмотрено 4314, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 58  

On general settings please add the "GR - Greek" language on Content Language choise. Regards.

16 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Steve J.

We have the GR version of version 8, so we plan to do the same with version 9. We're contacting our partner in Greece to have info. I'll let you know Wink

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Размещено От Steve J.
Haralampos Leontopoulos
Haralampos Leontopoulos

I don't mean Greek interface of programm, but the choise in Content Language.

Also if you want help to translate v9 to Greek, let me know.


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Размещено От Haralampos Leontopoulos
Steve J.

Yes, I mean both UI and content languageWink

If you prefer I attach you here the XLS file with all the languages we have and that we'll include in the languages.xml file. This is NOT the file for UI!

Let me know.Tongue out

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Размещено От Steve J.
Haralampos Leontopoulos
Haralampos Leontopoulos

Hi Steve!

I have it and i'm starting "playing" with it.

When i'll have firts results i'll let you know...

This file in "conf" folder, isn't for UI lang?


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Размещено От Haralampos Leontopoulos
Steve J.

I sent you the XLS file that is simpler to translate. In CONF folder there is the XML version that is used by WSX5. Please translate the items from the XLS file so we can create the XML file automatically. Wink

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Размещено От Steve J.
Haralampos Leontopoulos
Haralampos Leontopoulos

OK Steve.

I'm use Notepad++ for this job.

Take my personal e-mail for more:***


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Размещено От Haralampos Leontopoulos
Steve J.

Thanks, just let me have the XLS file. Moreover in that file you already find some GR translation that comes from version 8. Let me know Wink

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Размещено От Steve J.
Haralampos Leontopoulos
Haralampos Leontopoulos

Steve we are ready!!!

The Greek Content Language for v9 is ready. The text is triple checked for errors.

Also i made some changes to ready translated text from v8 (you'll see...).

Now the all texts is more reriable to greek language.

If you want any help let me know.

And please let me be the first that will have the new version. :)

Also add the "Beta" next to beta versions software.

Best Regards,

Haralampos Leontopoulos

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Размещено От Haralampos Leontopoulos
Steve J.

Hello Haralampos, here is the languages.xml file with the GR translation you sent me!

Please overwrite the old file you have in your PC at this path: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v9 - Evolution

We'll publish it in the next updates.

Thanks Wink

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Размещено От Steve J.
I. Kontogiannis
I. Kontogiannis

in xp where i put this file

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Размещено От I. Kontogiannis
Kostas B.
Kostas B.

Thx Haralampe. Σε ευχαριστω Χαραλαμπε για τον κοπο και τον χρονο που διεθεσες.

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Размещено От Kostas B.
Haralampos Leontopoulos
Haralampos Leontopoulos

Δεν κάνει τίποτα!

Καλά Χριστούγεννα!!!

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Размещено От Haralampos Leontopoulos
Mike Menioudakis
Mike Menioudakis

Καλή χρονιά και καλή συνέχεια

Από ότι καταλαβαίνω η υποστήριξη των ελληνικών είναι έτοιμη.

Πόσο χρόνο θα χρειαστεί να ολοκληρωθεί η αναβάθμιση της έκδοσης 9?

Μετα τιμής

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Размещено От Mike Menioudakis
Steve J.

Hello Mike, we have completed the translation of the language file to be used in WebSite X5. We have to complete the translation of the software and of the Help  file. It will take some time more, I think... Thanks

Google >>> Γεια σου Mike, έχουμε ολοκληρώσει τη μετάφραση του αρχείου γλώσσα που θαχρησιμοποιείται σε WebSite X5. Πρέπει να ολοκληρώσει τη μετάφραση του λογισμικούκαι των αρχείων Βοήθειας. Θα πάρει λίγο χρόνο περισσότερο, νομίζω ... ευχαριστίες

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Размещено От Steve J.
E. Stoilas
E. Stoilas

Καλημέρα κ. Λεοντόπουλε,

Θα ήθελα να σας ρωτήσω, αν ξέρετε και μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε, στην φόρμα επικοινωνίας, εφόσον τη συμπληρώσει κάποιος και την αποστείλει ο παραλήπτης (εγώ) λαμβάνει μύνημα στα "κινέζικα".
Έχω την έκδοση 9. Στην έκδοση 8 που είχα μου έστειλαν νέο αρχείο εγκατάστασης. 
Τα ελληνικά εμφανίζονται κανονικά, εισάγονται κανονικά, αλλά η φόρμα τα στέλνει λάθος... 

Πως το έχετε λύσει αυτό το πρόβλημα?

Με εκτίμηση

Ευθύμιος Στοΐλας

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Размещено От E. Stoilas
Steve J.

Hello Stoilas, please open a new post for this question... better in english if you can Wink

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Размещено От Steve J.