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Jorge L.
Jorge L.

I can't seem to find an option to upload my own search field picture?  en

Автор: Jorge L.
Просмотрено 1133, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I can't seem to find an option to upload my own search field picture?

I want to use my own search field picture is that possible???

4 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

How can I implement this on my header, with this image I attached here. I don't speak German.. :(

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Размещено От Jorge L.
Little-key .
Little-key .

A searching field is a code, no picture.

Here with X5:

Otherwise search in google.

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Размещено От Little-key .
Der Zwoemti
Der Zwoemti

But a search box may also contain a picture.You have to press the button as shown above, then you have your first search box as standard. There you can set the program below the colors. There, you put everything on transparent and adapts the sizes.You then need only insert an image as you have it shown above and you place it in the looks like this (as an example)

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Размещено От Der Zwoemti