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Bjarne Grønvall
Bjarne Grønvall

Different Cell Won't Fit In Height  en

Автор: Bjarne Grønvall
Просмотрено 3108, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 34  
Тэги: cell,height,table

I can't get my site in version 9 fitinheight in buttom se  attachment in version 8 with the same is ok se

officiel site in version 8


5 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Claudio N.

Hello Bjarne,

Is it possible to get your project file (.iwzip)? If so, can you upload it to your server and give me the link to download it? I'll test it on my PC to see what's going on. If necessary, you can set this post as private so it's visible only to me and you (just to protect your project file, of course).

Thank you!

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Размещено От Claudio N.
Bjarne Grønvall
Bjarne Grønvall


I have put it in a test area se here the site that i try to get over in version 9 can you se here http://www.danseskolenfrb.dkwhich is in version 8 it's working but i try to get all my customers site over in version 9.

Bjarne Smile

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Размещено От Bjarne Grønvall
Claudio N.

Did you try to enter and exit from the table at the right side of the page?

Seems that the table height is miscalculated. Another customer already has reported a similar problem. I think we'll fix it for the next update, coming on the beta channel in the first days of November. Wink

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Размещено От Claudio N.
Bjarne Grønvall
Bjarne Grønvall

Hi is this fixt i can't get it work for me


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Размещено От Bjarne Grønvall
Claudio N.

Hello Bjarne,

We made a fix for this. It will be included in the next release coming tomorrow. After updating the software, enter and exit from eah one of the object which has this problem, then export the entire site again.

This issue will gone away.

Thank you!

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Размещено От Claudio N.