Merging Drop Down Menu Columns 
Автор: W. Healy
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I'd like to arrange my drop down menu items side by side. So in Evo 9 I have the option to arrange the menu in multiple columns which solves the problem. However, this leaves a hideous vertical gap between the columns. I was wondering if there's a way to remove or minimise the vertical gap so multiple columns appear as one.
Can you please post a screenshot or the link to the website to see the gap you are describing?
Could it be the gap that is made by the position of the level which shows the next column?
If it's this you need to change the position in Step 2 of the level because the new column starts from the position of the level.
Many thanks!
The gap is there beacuse I have the drop down menu set to 'arrange in more columns' (step 4). The image attached gives you an idea of what I mean.
Unfortunately this gap cannot be removed but it can be minimized, and it will be not visible, by activating in Step 4 - Drop down Menu Style - 3D Style Tab - in 3D Border by adding value 1 to "Outher Width".
Hope this helps.
Yes, I see what you mean. It does minimise the gap but because the columns are separate the menu still looks odd.
Maybe in the future you might look at adding a second 'merge button shape' for the columns and also for the main menu 'item on mouse over/current page'. This would create a nicer flow to the menu instead of 3 separate columns.