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Tino Sleenhoff
Tino Sleenhoff

Rename div's and editable regions  en

Автор: Tino Sleenhoff
Просмотрено 1346, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: template,version

Hi, Is it possible in version 10 to rename the Div's, you use <example (imnote) >with my own names i can find Div's  faster, is it possible to make editable regions (like dreamweaver), with templates,

This i aks because i let building a cms system for my clients, so they can chance some content on there webpage.



3 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Samuel V.
Samuel V.

Hello Tino,

In the V10 beta, I don't see any option to do this. But perhaps could you insert your own div's and content using the HTML widget ? So you would have a dedicated area that could be modified by your CMS (I do this already with V9).

Hope this can help Smile

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Размещено От Samuel V.
Tino Sleenhoff
Tino Sleenhoff


I give this a try


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Размещено От Tino Sleenhoff