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M. Alemar
M. Alemar

How can upgrade from version 9 to version 10?  en

Автор: M. Alemar
Просмотрено 1479, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: from,upgrade

how can upgrade from version 9 to version 10? I participated in beta teste, and I'd like to know if I can upgrade for free.My version9  is very recent too from january if I remember. my beta 10 version not work more, and i need to know if i can open my files there even if I have to buy for an upgrade.

thank you

5 Ответы
M. Alemar
M. Alemar

If the upgrade is not free, have I a discount? Please Incomedia, some answers...

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Размещено От M. Alemar
M. Alemar
M. Alemar

I can see an offer in my profile page.This is the offer? Ican"t have an upgrade since I bought X9 this year?

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Размещено От M. Alemar
Claudio D.


The offer we reserved for the users of Version 9 is the one you found in the Offers page.

If you require any further information, please feel free to write back.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Graham H.
Graham H.

Yeah, I was a Beta tester and now the fifty euro upgrade price is not working. It is a massive price when I paid for x5 9 in full, recently. So maybe it is fate :^) and not meant to work like that.

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Размещено От Graham H.
Timothy S.
Timothy S.

Super easy just go to the X5 site and get the upgrade and it's cheap as well! 

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Размещено От Timothy S.