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Geraldine Browne
Geraldine Browne

HELP! My most recent priject upadte has DISAPPEARED  en

Автор: Geraldine Browne
Просмотрено 2076, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: disappeared,project

HELP! My most recent priject upadte has DISAPPEARED. I logged in today tp update my website, which was last updated on Thursday 14th February. However the most recent project there was from 17th october 2011! Where has my website gone? Help Help Help urgently please!

3 Ответы
Andre E
Andre E

You van upload your website again from v9. Mayby a crash on the server of your provider, and they installed an old backup.

Just upload your website again an it's fixed. Or do i misunderstood?


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Размещено От Andre E
Geraldine Browne
Geraldine Browne

Thanks for your reply.  I've tried to do that and its no good! I've no idea what has happened but its still live on the internet, but nowhere to be found on the computer!


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Размещено От Geraldine Browne
Andre E
Andre E

So if i understand correctly you have an old website online, wich is suddenly downgraded and your project on your pc is gone ?

Mayby you can retrieve the automaticly made backup, and upload that one.

try this post to find out how to see if your bacup is still on your pc:

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Размещено От Andre E