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Charles S.
Charles S.

Upgrading problem  en

Автор: Charles S.
Просмотрено 968, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have not seen the message to export the project with version 9 before installation version 10. Now I can't import that project but also I can't back to version 9. All my projects lost ? I am affraid.

2 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Claudio D.

Hello Charles,

If you didn't uninstall Version 9 you can find it in Start - Programs and open Evolution 9 from there to export your projects and then import them in Version 10.

Please let me know if you found it.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Charles S.
Charles S.

Thank your answer.

I found an solution but your information was nog good enough Undecided but your program is OK. Better as from 8 tot 9. I saw one bug and you fixed in the the second update. very Good.Smile

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Размещено От Charles S.