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Ray H.
Ray H.

Inventory  en

Автор: Ray H.
Просмотрено 2578, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: inventory,product

Is the inventory managed automatically or manually, I sell comic books & toys & a lot of them are vintage to where i only have 1 of them & it would be a real pain if i had to go in after every sell to remove the item completly & then reinsert the items when i get another one. Thanks Ray

5 Ответы
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

Unfortunately there is no Inventory option for website evo10. I wish they added this function for evo 10.

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Размещено От Jorge L.
Ray H.
Ray H.

Thanks Jorge,

I was really hoping this was the program i have been looking for, but with out inventory control I have to keep looking.

The program is very easy to use & web pages look great but lack of inventory control & shipping cost control makes it hard for me.

I will put a post in idea area & if they get an update then I will once again look at buying it, if I havent found anything else, have found another that might work but have to test it first.

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Размещено От Ray H.
Jorge L.
Jorge L.
Ray Haley
Thanks Jorge, I was really hoping this was the program i have been looking for, but with out inventory control I have to keep looking. The program is very easy to use & web pages look great but lack of inventory control & shipping cost control makes it hard for me. I will put a post in idea area & if they get an update then I will once again look at buying it, if I havent found anything else, have found another that might work but have to test it first.

Can you tell me the name of the other one you have found?

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Размещено От Jorge L.
Ray H.
Ray H.

Hi Jorge,

I have tried a couple other programs & they had the same issue with the shopping cart not tracking inventory & were not as easy as websitex5 to use, so i have been working with the websitex5 program & may have found a work around once i confirm it i will post the steps needed to make it work on my blog.

I have only been using the demo here but think i will be buying the full program in the next day or two.


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Размещено От Ray H.
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

Okay thanks!

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Размещено От Jorge L.