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Nick F.
Nick F.

SOS! Problem with all projects  en

Автор: Nick F.
Просмотрено 2745, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

Dear Incomedia.

I have another acount, with Version 9 and a new one with the version 10. So, I have 3 different accounts (if this it's an issue).


After an update to the version 9 (not 100% sure for the time), suddenly there is no "recent" projects in the first page of the program (to select existing project).

I've tried to "import existing project" and doesn't see any!!!

Finally I found the all my project's extention it's *iwprj and not *.iwzip!

How does this happened and why doesn't open not even one project???

I've tried to rename the extention to *.iwzip and then the file gives error and doesn't open!


Also, it's impossible to open -with Evolution 10- NOT EVEN ONE project I did with Evolution 8!!

Why you did that??

According to what we're all know, new versions of ANY software can play ALL the old versions but not the opposie.

To your software doesnt work two versions back!!


So far I was satisfied in general with your company, accepting many problems I faced from your strange way of programming, as not serious problems but not you CREATED ME HUGE PROBLEMS.

I have to rebuild more than 60 websites!!! WHO'S GONNA PAY ME FOR THAT????

This means that in order to change something I have to rebuild all the project and this it's rediculous!!


10 Ответы

you can convert v8 evo to v9 evo, function import

Export v9  to iwzip and Import iwzip to v10

direct-conversions v8 to v10 are not possibile

Greating JBr.

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Размещено От JJ. JUAG
Claudio D.

Hello Nick,

Project files used by the program are iwprj and iwzip are exported project files that can be moved to another computer or can be used as backup copies. The Program uses the iwprj inside the project folder which default location is in Documents/Incomedia/WebSite X5

If these iwprj files are already in the location check if in the preferences of the program in the main screen if the correct folder is set to find them.

The Projects made in V8 has to be converted before in V9 and then these can be imported in V10. Between 8 and 10 there are huge differences.

Please keep me updated.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Nick F.
Nick F.

Thanks for both of your answers guys.

My problem is that when I try to import any project, I'm not able to see it at all, as the import function allow only *.iwzip files to open and not iwprj.

The same problem i have it also with v10.

I don't have option to open iwprj files.

I'm desperate! I need urgently to make some changes in a website with more than 90 pages and I have to rebuild all website again!!!!

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Размещено От Nick F.

please make from v9 the Export  Point 3 of Export-side (this make the iwzip file to the place of your choice), now the iwzip are ready for Import v10, i have make succesfull over 30 Projects from v9 to v10 this way.


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Размещено От JJ. JUAG
Nick F.
Nick F.

My friend JBr.,

After an update to v9 I have nothing! No projects in "recent projects" of v9 and it's impossible to import any saved project!

To import all projects to v9 must be also .iwzip and I have ONLY iwprj!

I think that I have to communicate officially with Incomedia srl, because I lose clients every day (I don't trust this company anymore, except if they find me a soluton.

So, I don't proceed with orders I have and I'm not able to support any client!!!!!) and also if I have to rebuild all websites, I think our lawyers have to undertake at the end.

I'm living in Switzerland and the cost to rebuild the websites is more than 150 € per hour.

Imagine now that more than 60 websites are lost and for each I spent more than 80-100 hours of work.

This costs more than 700,000.00 € in working time and I can prove that it isn't my mistake!!

So, I will get a solution or I will give the issue to our lawyers.

Thank you for your reply,

Kingston International Group GmbH.

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Размещено От Nick F.

Wenn Sie möchten , kann ich ihnen helfen ein Projekt Schritt für Schritt zu transferieren von Websitex5 v8 evo zu v9 evo und zu v10 evo.

Voraussetzung, in v8 ein vollständiges Projekt mit allen Dateien und jemand bei Ihnen vor Ort, der deutsch spricht macht die Sache leichter, da mein Englisch dafür nicht ausreicht.

v8, v9 und v10 funktionsfähig vorhanden.

Allerdings ohne Rechtsansprüche und mit der Voraussetzung, das Sie rechtsgültige  Versionen der Programme zur Verfügung haben. Beachten Sie, das ich nicht von der Firma Incomedia bin, sondern Anwender von WebsiteX5 in CH.

Am einfachsten geht dies mit Remote Verbindung zu ihrem System per Teamviewer und Skype. Wenn nicht vorhanden herunterladen und installieren (kostenlos möglich).

Gruss JBr.

Googletranslation fromGerman
If you want, I can helpthem with aprojectstep by stepto transferfromevoWebsitex5v8tov9andv10evoevo.
Conditioninv8an entire projectwith all the filesand someoneat your sitewho speaksGermanmakes thingseasier, becausemy Englishis not sufficient.
v8,v9andv10and fully functional.
However,noclaims, andwiththe assumptionthat youhavelegally validversions of theprograms.Note thatIam not of thecompanyIncomedia,butusersofWebsiteX5in CH.
It's easiesttoremotely connect toyour systemviaTeamViewerand Skype.If not available,download and install(free of charge).

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Размещено От JJ. JUAG
Claudio D.

Hello Nick,

You don't need to import the ipwrj files. If they are in the correct folder the program will open them automatically. Please check which is the folder where the iwprj are stored and then start V9 and open the preferences and change the folder you have to the one where the iwprj are stored and then they will appear automatically in the program.

Please keep me updated.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Nick F.
Nick F.

Dear JUAG, Dear Claudio,

Thank you for your support.

I will write you again with simple words what happened:

One day I saw that a new update of the v9 and I download  and install it.

How I had my projects: Since v8, every project I had it in its folder and I had two ways to work again in a project: First way it was to open the project by searching the folder I wanted, or if it was the last I worked I had it there.

Every time I saved using the "save as" option, to the specific folder I had the project, overwrite the old one and finish.

With v9 the "save as" wasn't there anymore. So, I thought making only a backup to my hard disk was enough, as the "saving in every preview" was selected and I had no reason to "export the project" or to "export the website to disk"

So, every time I was running v9, I had all projects as thumbnails and I clicked and worked.

Since the moment I updated the v9, everything lost!

I've tryed to find the projects and nothing else in my hard disk (and in my older back ups of my HD) except iwprj files.

I did what you told me, changing in preferences the default directory, but still nothing.

Same thing happened also with the v10 I bought!

Nothing. And to import the projects must be in iwzip or iwp (for v8) only!!

All v8 old projects I can open it with v9, but are too old versions of our websites, I can also save it and export it and then to open it also with v10, but that is useless to do it!

The data of our websites in v8 are too old and missing many pages and the new templates we did using the v9.

Since the first date I've posted here (two months now), I've rebuild only two websites and are still 21!!

I have those iwprj files. If it was possible to find a converter to change it to iwzip, maybe I will be able to resolve the problem (or maybe if I reinstall an old version of v9??).

I don't know what else to do. But believe me I'm not dum. I'm not software engineer, but I'm electronic engineer with master in industrial automations.

So, I'm in a level of a very experienced user.

Thank you for your help!

PS: I also faced another problem now:

In v10, I dublicated a project, changing very less things, but the "contact us" is completely the same.

I upload it to the same ftp (but in different folder, etc., of course).

To the first website no problem, to the second: Firefox & Chrome giving always "wrong check word". Explorer, no problem, Safari no problem.

Tested also from my collegues in USA, Greece and UK.

I will try to find answer for this in answers.

Thank you again.

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Размещено От Nick F.
Nick F.
Nick F.


The problem with captcha resolved (at least to my browsers), by pressing F5.

I found it from another post, resolved from Claudio!

My main problem it's still there.


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Размещено От Nick F.
Claudio D.

Hello Nick,

Let's try in this way: reinstall Version 9 and then it will create a folder under documents/Incomedia/ called WebSite X5 v9 - Evolution where you need to move the folders with the iwprj files you have. Done this start the program and then the projects should appear in the existing projects list so you will be able to edit them. Install the latest Version of the program.

In Version 8 the projects were handled differently and with Version 9, since these got bigger and it was more complicate to organise them, it was introduced the function of one folder that stores them.

Please let me know if this works or if you have difficulties to reinstall Version 9 otherwise we will see antoher way to reopen these projects.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.