WebSite X5Help Center

Henry Yen
Henry Yen

How to create store with digital downloads  en

Автор: Henry Yen
Просмотрено 2545, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

How do I create a store just like on where I offer downloadable content for a cost? I like to know specifically how do I create products that can be downloaded after my customers pay me first. I tried to create a shopping cart but I don't know how to link my digital product in a way so my customer has to pay me first before they can download my product. Thanks!

3 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Claudio D.

Hello Henry,

At the moment it is not possible to have this feature in WebSite X5. I would like to suggest that you open an "Idea" Post where you describe to us the feature you would like to see implemented in the future releases of WebSite X5.

You could create, as alternative an Password protected section and after you received the payment you send the customer the username and password to access to the section to download the digital product or you send the link to download the product once you verified the payment.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Ethan S.
Ethan S.

How does this work? Is there a tutorial for it?

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Размещено От Ethan S.
Claudio D.

Hello Ethan,

You need to go in step 4 access management and create an user account with username and password and then you go to step 2 and you create a new page which you set first as "hidden page in the menu" and then as "locked page". With this function it will ask you which user can login and you select the new user you created.

After this you go in step 3 and you add the links in this page. The protected page in the preview will be always visible without asking for the password because this will work only once uploaded.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.