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Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Inserting Foto In Old Project With Zoom  en

Автор: Piotr G.
Просмотрено 2655, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 27  
Тэги: picture,zooming

I had imported my website files from v.8. On some pages I would insert picture with zooming option (including zoom scale belt). If I try to do it in old project I can't. If I am opening new project everything is OK. On preview for old project I see only black table with website x5 sentence. What do I wrong ? Supposed that foto is to large for frame, but even after reduction foto size to 448*280 pix (.jpg), still is no working. Please help me. Brgds Peter

39 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Samantha M.

Hi Piotr,

was your Evo 8 up to date before you exported your project? What version did you have? What version of Evo 9 are you using at the moment? Could you please attach a screenshot?
Thank you!

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Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Would you like to get the answer to me. I can't finishing my job, according to your promise of full compatibility between v.9 & v.8. Best regards Peter Gleboki

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

May Evo 8 was last published version ie.16. My version of Evo 9 is 1699 What screenshot are you mind - the screenshot of my webpage with black panel ?

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.
Piotr Głęboki
Would you like to get the answer to me. I can't finishing my job, according to your promise of full compatibility between v.9 & v.8. Best regards Peter Gleboki

I apologise for this message. I sent it before check content of my messagebox - ie. before read Your mail. Best regards Peter

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

Don't worry! Smile

Could you please upload your website online and give me your URL? I need to see your website and the mystake you are talking about in order to help you.

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Sorry Samanta, by last few days I was out of my desk with very limited access to computer. Yes, I can upload the webpage to my ftp server. I'll do it by weekend, on Monday you can inspect it. Also I can upload the project file to ftp, if this will help you. Can you send me your e-mail adress, so in reply I'll send you access code to FTP server & page adress ? evening time I'll send you attachment with screen shot. Brgds Peter Tongue out

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

 This  screen shot I had made from Evo9 preview. The web pages content have been uploaded to ftp into adress The atachment file have been compressed according to your rules (1024KB). Peter Smile

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Hi Samantha. Doyou already havethe results of checks ? Peter Cry

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Hi Samantha. Can You explain me why is no answer from you by 6 days ?! I have to finish my job next week until Wednesday. Please contact me as soon as posible, to show me the idea how to solve the problem which I have got with Evo9. Peter

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Samantha M.

Dear Piotr,

I'm really sorry for making you wait, I have been out of the office. I apologyze.Embarassed

Thank you for updating me and thank you for all the attached info.
I have tried to add your image in a test project I have created especially and I do not have the same problem. Could you please install our last Beta update and let me know if you still have the same issue so that we may fix it before the final update release?

You can find the beta version in this post:

Please create a new project in this version and repeat the same procedure you used in the previous project to add your image and let me know.
Thank you!

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Hi Samantha. You don't understand my problem. This problem, (explained in previous post) exist only when I am trying to insert picture to new project, I have translated from evo8 to 9. On you have sample of problem, but for more convinient recognizing of problem I will prepare special web page with only one bad photo showing problem. I propose to send you old project file (created with evo 8 ) ? . I will give a sign when new project will be ready. Regards Peter

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

Ok, that would be great, thank you Piotr.
Please write back as soon as it is available.
Thank you!

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Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Samantha, I did simplified project (only wrong parts of oryginal). Try open and observe bookmarks Nokia/Activity fields and Nokia/Services. Those parts of project are bad. The same situation I have in Contact bookmark .The pictures in converted project (from Evo 8 to Evo 9) (Nokia/Services and Contact) are set as hand moving pictures with magnifier 200%. In Nokia/Activity fields: this is classic slide show; all the photo are identical (same parameters and similar size - all was taken with same camera ). What do I wrong ?!. Best regards Peter. Cry

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Samantha M.

Ok, could you please kindly attach a photo that you are trying to add to your project and explain exactly what you did with it? I will do the same thing to see if I have the same error. Please explain step by step.
Thank you Piotr.

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Hi Samantha please tell me where can I upload the photo - it has around 6 MB size. I can reduce the size but I am not sure the result. All the photos inserted in Nokia/Activity fileds are same size. It is important to us that photo shall be high resolution - Nokia requirements. Can I send the photo to you by email ? Peter

P.S: I can also upload the total project including photos to your FTP account , using the transfer method from evo - as project transfered to another computer.

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Hi Samantha, I know, you will not get any christmas gift from Santa Claus. I was talking with him with this matter few moments ago. Best regards Peter

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Samantha M.

I'm so sorry Peter, I was out of the office...Embarassed

Please send it to and add my name + this post number(6092)  in the email object...and please tell Santa it wasn't my fault Surprised and that I will try to help you as quickly as possible!

Than you for your patience and for your kindness.

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

I will negotiate with Santa Claus. Who know ? Wait for my answer, please. Peter

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Samantha M.

Thank you Piotr, please let me know when you will be able to send me your project.Wink

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Hi Samantha. The Santa Claus was very busy last days, so he had not answered my email. He has answered today. Everything will be OK, but we both have to finish our common job until end of year. Only in this circumstances we both will receive Christmas gifts. So, I will upload this three photos and all project files to given email, today evening. Please run this job tommorrow morning, we can't underestimate Santa's command. I will send all files from my wife's email:***. Obviously we can correspond like so far . Best regards Peter

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

Hi Peter!Laughing

Ok, great! Please thank Santa for me, I promise I will do my best to help you and make Santa happy, but I have to tell you that I am not in the office tomorrow therefore I will give you a response on Thursday! I hope that's ok!

Please remember to add my name + this post number (6092) in the email object, so that I may find your email quickly.

Have a great day!

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Samantha. Thursday was yesterday. Nothing happen. Will you want to break your word ?

Merry Christmas to You and all team. Peter

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

Peter, I could not answer you because I did not receive an email from you ''***'' or from ''***'' on Please try again.

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

OK Samantha. I was sending the email again. Please send me any email *** I will resend mail to you.Sometimes it is work. Peter

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

I received it! Thank you! Smile I will check it and give you an answer asap!

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Samantha M.

Dear Piotr, I have tryed three times now, but I am not able to download your project file, I'm very sorry. It is too heavy. We can do two different things:

  • either you upload part of your project in a file on your server then you give us a link to download it
  • or you simply send us the images you have added in your project. We will then add them and apply the same effects you have applied in order to achieve the same result. 

Please let me know how you wish to proceed.

Thank you.

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Samantha, please carefully read my previous emails !!!. The project file has been just uploaded to my FTP server !!! and login & password are in last email. The project file is in catalog \evo9. Peter Yell

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

Dear Peter, I am not able to download the project it is to heavy and it gives me an error message at the end, I did follow the instructions you kindly added to your email! Please give me part of the project or the images. I think the easiest and quickest thing is that you give me the images and explain how you added them to the project.

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Samantha please show me link to your FTP server so I will download project to your server. Please send me link, login & password in email ***. It is simplest way I hope. Peter

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

Dear Peter,

I have downloaded your project! Laughing

I have been testing it and the situation is really strange. There is something in your project that does not allow the function of the zooming option. I tryed to start a new project, added text object+exatly the same image you added and it works perfectly. Could you please try to do the same?

Start a new project add text+ image with zooming effects and please tell me if it works.

I tried to delete everything in your project and add the image again and it still does not work, but if I start a new one with nothing in it, no problem.
Please test and let me know, in the meantime I will pass it on to our WebSite X5 creators.

Thank you for your patience and collaboration Peter. I really appreciate it.

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Hi Samantha. It's nice to heard, that you have succesfully downloaded project. I have identical situation , I had writen about it in my first announcement (read please my first message). Opening new project allow to do what I want to do (I am thinking about inserting pictures with zoom features). In old project (converted from Evo8) it's not work correctly (works only with photo inserted without zoom feature !!!). Another strange case are photos inserted in section NOKIA/Activity fields -there are 5 identical photos (photo properties), and 4 of them are opening properly on web site but 3rd not - there is error message !!!. I hope to You can find answer why ? and what to do

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

Hi Peter. I have passed this on to my collegue in the technical dept. but he will be back only next week. I'm sorry but he needs to see it. I will give you an answer as soon as he does.

Have a great new year Peter.

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

CiaoSamantha, chiedeteloro di fareil loro esameal più presto.Ricordala miapromessa fatta aBabbo Natale.Felice Anno Nuovoper Te.Pietro

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

Dear Peter,

here comes your answer:

the problem is caused by the letters in your name! "Piotr Głęboki" has special characters in it. When you add a flash object (such as the zoom effect you apply to the images) your name is automatically added in the html codes. The special characters in it cause the issue. If you type in ''Piotr Gleboki'' everything will work correctly. After this, please open and close the images that have the zoom option applyed to them.

Grazie Pietro! Wink

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Thanks Samantha. I will try today evening, so I will get report to You. Brgds. Peter

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Thank You Samatha,indeedthe solution proposedby you,closethe problem ofinsertingcontentthat canmagnifyimagesin manual mode.You aregreat!!!It remainsto explainthe problem ofimageswhich, whenviewing a web pagegenerateerror"Imagegenerationerror".I wroteabout this in thepreviousreporting ofthesediscussionsand the consequencesof erroryou can seeon the pagein the Activityfields.Postedimages aretherepicturesof ourNokiaConcept Storeand allhave the same(similar)sizes.When placingthemin the project (inadditionto theprogramWebsieX5v.9)all the fileswere inthe same directory, which, beinga subfolder of "My Documents" folder in XP Profesional, contains thePolishspecial charactersas a result ofusernames-PeterGłęboki. Or maybe the problem is in size of photos - each "weight" around 65MB ? I will waiting Your answer.

Meglionel nuovo2012 anni. Pietro. Kiss

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

My pleasure of course!Laughing

I'm not quite sure what the error is with the images, could  you please attach a screenshot of the error and point it out? excuse me, but this post is so logn and I do not know where to find it. I can not see your website online anymore ( could you eventually upload it again and tell me where the error is?

Thanks Peter...and I really hope you have a fab new year to!

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Piotr G.
Piotr G.

Hi Samantha. Please go, click on Activity fields and here you are. The author name and webpage title is without polish characters. What's going wrong ? Peter

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Размещено От Piotr G.
Samantha M.

Hi there!

  • Did you try adding the same image in another slideshow by itself?
  • Did you try to add the image by itself in the ''image object''?
  • Do you get the same thing?
  • Where are you taking the image from? Where did you save it?

If you still have the same issues, please send me the image and I will try to add it to a project to see what happens.

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