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Michael J.
Michael J.

Email link  en

Автор: Michael J.
Просмотрено 1002, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: installation

Hi! I have some problems to get the email link to work on my web page. It seems to work on my Ipad but not on my PC ( using Windows 7) ! any suggestions to solve this problem? Michael

7 Ответы
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hi Michael,

Are you referring to the 'Email Object' within the X5 program itself?  What exactly is the issue when using with your Win7 PC?  Do you find that emails are not sent at all, sent incorrectly, sent without confirmation, etc.?

What version of X5 are you using?

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Размещено От Paul M.
Michael J.
Michael J.

Hi - sorry for my late reply!

The problem is that the link simply not work! if you click on the link nothing happend! no problem with links to  web adresses.

It is only on my pc running windows 7 pro - on my Ipad no problem!


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Размещено От Michael J.
Claudio D.

Hello Michael,

Can you please write the link to your website to see what exactly happens and tell also what browser are you using?

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Michael J.
Michael J.

Hi again!

last page - e-mail link :***

I am using google chrome.


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Размещено От Michael J.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hi Michael,

In Step 1 - General Settings - Edit Graphic Template - Footer tab...  you need to ensure that your email address is contained within a separate Text Box of its own...  it cannot share the same box as your address and telephone number.

Then, having done that, you need to click once on the email address box in the footer screen to select it, then click the 'Apply a Link' icon on the toolbar at the top.  In the screen which opens you need to click 'Email Address' in the 'Action' column, then enter your email address details as appropriate.  Close the screen by clicking 'OK' (NOT the red cross), then reupload your project to your server.

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Размещено От Paul M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

PS: I have given you instructions for the email link in the footer as I assume this is what is not working for you.  The email link in the body of the page works perfectly for me in both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, but the link in the footer does not.

Hope this helps...

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Размещено От Paul M.
Michael J.
Michael J.

thanks a lot Paul - I will trySmile


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Размещено От Michael J.