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Eddy D.
Eddy D.

Compact 10 Not Working After Install  en

Автор: Eddy D.
Просмотрено 2472, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: 64bit,error,win7

Just installed WebSite X5 Compact 10 and it doesn't work. When trying to run the upgrade it states that an error occured, when continuing I get the error 406.

Rebooting or running the install / upgrade as administrator doesn't resolve the issue. Tried install in Dutch and English, same issue.  Uninstall, reboot, re-install not working

When launching the program, creating a new site, selecting a template and click on continue, window pops up indicating that an error occured (and i need to kill the program from task manager)

running on Windows 7 SP1 64bit

Please advice on resolution. Thanks in advance


11 Ответы
Claudio D.

Hello Eddy,

Please try to uninstall the program and then delete the WebSite X5 v10 - Compact Folder in program files. Once done uninstall the .NET Framework 4.0 and then use this cleanup tool:

Once the tool has finished, reinstall .NET 4.0 from following link:

When the Framework is reinstalled, download the latest installer of the program, from your Profile in the "Downloads" section and install it.

Please keep me updated.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Eddy D.
Eddy D.

I followed the instructions but was not able to resolve the situation.

I also tried to reinstall WIN7 SP1, then reinstalled .NET4 and it had a better result but still not a resolution.  I do not get the error that ends the program, rather, i can select the template and hit the 'next' button.  the application does not crash but it doesn't do anything either.  the app is just spinning and spinning to the point that i need to kill it

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Размещено От Eddy D.
Eddy D.
Eddy D.

Update: Windows Update ran and installed a few .NET releated updates. 

Website X5 behavior is now changed but not for the better as it crashed. 

I re-installed Website X5 and now, when choosing a template and hitting "next" the application throws an error and hangs.  It become unresponsive and needs to be killed through task manager.  seeems we're back to square one.

This is getting frustrating, I have never seen a software package that has been so troublesome to just get installed correctly...

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Размещено От Eddy D.
Claudio D.

Hello Eddy,

Please try to open the control panel and then go to program and features. Open it and then click on "Turn Windows features on or off" and then uncheck Microsoft .NET Framework  3.5.1. and click ok. After it's possible again check it again to activate it and then click ok again and then start the program again.

Please keep me updated.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Eddy D.
Eddy D.

Unchecked .NET 3.5.1, rebooted as prompted, checked it again, started Website X5, selected a template, click next, and got a prompt whether I wanted so save the project and the application crashed  similar behavior as on day one.

Thanks for your suggestions but did not get much closer to resolution yet...

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Размещено От Eddy D.
Claudio D.

Hello Eddy,

Please try to uninstall again .NET 4 and then you need to uninstall also .NET 3.5 completely.

Uninstall .NET 4 before and then Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off

Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1. Say OK.

Then use the cleanup tool to removefirst .NET 4 and then .NET 3.5:

Once done reinstall them in following order:

.NET 3.5:

And then .NET 4:

Once done then try to run the program again.

Please let me know if it works.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Eddy D.
Eddy D.

uninstalled websiteX5, .NET4, .NET3.5.1, ran cleanup tool (though there is only the option to cleanup all or 4, not 3.5 explicitly), reinstalled.  same issue, propmt whether i want to save the project and then it crashes 

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Размещено От Eddy D.
Little-key .
Little-key .

... over and over again with windows 7 64 bit.
Claudio can be it?

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Размещено От Little-key .
Claudio D.

Hello Eddy,

When it crashes, can you please try to send the crash reports so that it can be seen what is the exact cause?

In the meantime, if you have a second computer, try to install it on this so that you can use the program.

Many thanks!

@Little-key it seems to depend more on a component of the .NET Framework than on the OS itself.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Eddy D.
Eddy D.

is the crash reported into a file i can send?

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Размещено От Eddy D.
Claudio D.

Hello Eddy,

Please try to open the preferences of the program when you start WebSite X5 and then set the max simultaneous processes to 1 and then try again to see if the same issue happens again also with a new project.

Please keep me updated.

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Размещено От Claudio D.