Автор: Graphic Designer XFOla ricardo como estas...que pena molestarte ya estoy mamado sigue molestando el programa y despues que lo actulize el ultima version y ahi se daño todo la columnas separados y lo revise todo esta 0px entonces por favor ahora tengo mucho probemas con los clientes me dijo que estaba separado este imagen entonces cuando yo tenia el version anterior estaba funcionan perfecto todo lo exploradores sin separados el imagenes pero ahora el version estaba fallando lo unico es el internet explorer te voy a enviar 4 imagenes de diferente exploradores todo esta funcionan perfecto pero lo unico que esta fallando es Internet Explorer 10 porque antes el version estaba funcionando perfecto para Internet explorer 10 pero la nueva version ahi esta fallando en Internet Explorer entonces por favor solucionen muy urgentemente porque estoy problemas con el cliente no pude solucionar que esta pasando el software Websitex 10 por favor revisa ya inmediatamente porque ya no puedo esperar y sigue molestando la mano con este programa Websitex 10 ya estoy cansado de que moleste tanto muchas gracias
Ola ricardo how are you ... that I'm worth bothering sucked keeps bothering the program and then it actulize the latest version and there was damage all the columns apart and check everything is 0px then please now I have much probem with customers separately told me that this image was then when I had the previous version was perfect all browsers work without the images but now separate the version was failing only thing is the internet explorer I will send 4 images of different browsers all this work great but the only thing that is failing is because Internet Explorer 10 before the version was working perfect for Internet Explorer 10, but the new version there is failing Internet Explorer then please solve very urgent problems because I could not solve the client's happening Websitex 10 software please check and immediately because I can no longer wait and hand still bothering with this program Websitex 10 I'm tired of that bother both thank you very much
Mire en Google funcionan perfecto
Este tambien funcionan perfecto Mozilla
Este tambien funcionan perfecto Safari
Ricardo quiero que revise le doy en link
Muchas Gracias espero que solucionar rapido
Look at the photos ricador realizes that added new codes for the version which appeared Websitex new codes "# imCellStyle_1> a {display: inline-block;}" please Quitame this internet explorer codes because they leave separately on a white line you see the photos so I got to remove all the codes that this separate Websitex porqeu the previous version did not have this code "# imCellStyle_1> a {display: inline-block;}" does not exist but the Websitex again if this new version you should remove this codes to not separate the white line please arrange Websitex software thank you very much I am upset that added new codes
Look at this picture realizes that no white line separating block because there is no code "# imCellStyle_1> a {display: inline-block;}" because this code is the new version but the previous Websitex Websitex 10.0. 0.28 work great because it is the code block I mean this "# imCellStyle_1> a {display: inline-block;}" this code must be deleted for Websitex version please remove that very important because internet explorer 10 is leaving plenty of white space where is the block and either the technical review that solve well the program websitex
Thanks you very much
Buongiorno Creative Effect,
il sito è stato modificato?
Perchè si vede correttamente su internet explorere 10.
Prova a realizzare un nuovo progetto inserendo le 3 immagini vicine e testandolo su IE, esportalo così da comunicarmi l'url per visualizare questo test.
Fammi Sapere.
***** Google Translation:
Holaefecto creativo ha sidocambiado?
¿Por quése ve en laWebconExplorere10.
Trate decrear un nuevo proyectomediante la introducción delas3imágenesde cerca yprobarlo enIE,exportarloasí que dimelaurlpara mostraresta prueba.
Déjame saber.