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Karin S.
Karin S.

Waiting for approval of websites for your galery  en

Автор: Karin S.
Просмотрено 1454, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have put 3 websites in Incomedia Website Galery - in this month I have repeated it and sent once more 2 of these 3 to your galery. Since April 3 Website are wating for approval. If you have any objection, please inform me! Thank you Karin

You can answer in German language, too

1 Ответы
Noemi W.

Dear Karin,

Every day we do receive a lot of requests of web sites to be included in our website gallery. Before activating, the content of all pages must be thoroughly hecked and reviewed by our staff.

For that reason, I can not exactly say when the websites will be unlocked. However, we are doing our best to examine the websites.

Thank you for your understanding!


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