Discount Or Negative Amounts In The Purchase Cart 
Автор: Pere R.
Просмотрено 1391,
Подписчики 2,
Размещенный 32
It's possible to add one "discount code" in the purchase confirmation page? maybe interesting too if we can create articles with the negaitve amount , fe:
bonus -10,00 €
bonus -20,00 €
... for offerts, promotions... What do you think?
Actually the discount codes are not supported but we can think about them for a future release.
And to use negative imports?
Negative imports are not supported also. Of course, if discounts are supported on the cart's total amount, there's no need for negative imports.
But negative import can be util to make offerts, f.e. i can gift a bonus to be the number 1000 purchaser.... when the purchaser have a "click" in the anunce, it add a article named "spcial bonus" by -100,00 €.
this kind of discount should relay on a DB (actually not supported by WSX5). Anyway, we'll keep it in the ideas list.