Add item to cart not working in IE10 
Автор: Marit Søbye NilsenJust discovered cart add items to cart in IE10 (10.0.9200.16618) not possible. Tried IE10 with URL with and without www (http://maritskrystaller.noand Also tried uploading entire site again. Also tried setting (in General Settings) Web Address URL with and without trailing "/" and with and without "www". Nothing works if browser is IE10. Cannot add items to cart. The message that comes up is "Message from website- -System cannot find the path specified" and it comes up when you click icon to add item to cart. Same problem for products with and without options. The site works "perfectly" in IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, but not IE10.
See others are facing same problem.
See attached file / screen for error message (in Norwegian).
I observedthe same problem, and Icould seethat this canhappenin each caseifI had placedjust before thenew uploadof a changeinthe shopping cart systemonthe serverin thebrowserwith the problemto the shopping bagand then aconflict arosebetweenthe browser's cacheandrebootladenbasketfiles.After one to twodays, the effect wasgone.the real causeunfortunately I couldnot find it.Have the wholeofthe developers atIncomediareported.
google Translation from german
Ich konnte das gleiche Problem beobachten, wobei ich feststellen konnte, das dies jeweils geschehen kann, wenn ich kurz vor dem erneuten Upload einer Änderung im Warenkorbsystem auf den Server in diesem Browser mit dem Problem Ware in den Warenkorb gelegt hatte und danach ein Konflikt entstand zwischen Cache des Browsers und neu hochbeladenen Warenkorbdateien. Nach ein bis zwei Tagen war der Effekt wieder weg. die wirkliche Ursache konnte ich leider nicht finden. Habe das ganze an die Entwickler bei Incomedia gemeldet.
Gruss JJ
I tried emptying the IE10 browser cache but that did no help. Emptied it using first IE10 own tool, then used CCleaner to clear browser stuff. Problem still exists and we cannot expect shoppers to empty their cache before they can buy!
I havedone a testwithie10(OrderNumber:130710-DI92), the problemisonlyavailablefor a timeon the computer,just before theupdatehasplacedsomething inthe cart.Oncomputers that accessto thenewcart, itdoes not happen.Deleting theChaches, updatingF5, that timenotusedto me.Fromanothercomputerbut it shouldgo.
Ich habe einen Test gemacht mit ie10 (Ordernummer: 130710-DI92), das Problem ist nur eine Zeit lang vorhanden auf dem Rechner, der kurz vor dem Update etwas in den Warenkorb gelegt hat. Auf Rechnern, die neu auf den Warenkorb zugreifen geschieht es nicht. Das Löschen des Chaches, das Aktualisieren F5 usw. hat bei mir damals auch nicht genutzt. Ab einem andern Rechner sollte es aber gehen.
gruss JJ
Have seen your "order" came in. Thank you for your efforts and your testing. Don't have access to IE10 here just now. Will have to wait until this evening for machine with IE10 to do new testing.
I have now access again to IE10 again and the problem is still there. No ending of emtying IE10 cache helps. But that is on IE10 on Windows 7x64 SP1.
However, on another machine I just tried with IE10 and Windows 8 x64 there is not the problem. This WIn 8 machine has not visited the shop before. The Win 7 machine has visited the shop before. The Win 7 machine has IETester installed and through IETester the shop works ok in IE9 and IE8, but the native IE10 does not allow items to be put in cart because (error message): "Message from website- -System cannot find the path specified".
Is there anyone else who can confirm problems with Win 7 / IE10 but not with Win 8 /IE10?
Hello Ian,
I can't seem to replicate this issue, and I am using Windows 7 64-bit Professional and Internet Explorer 10.0.9200.16635 - I have Service Pack 1 and all updates installed.
I made several visits to your site. I've tried many different combinations, filling the cart and proceeding through checkout as far as possible without actually placing an order.
On all occasions I was able to add and remove as many items to the cart as I wished, without any error messages appearing. I closed and reopened my browser several times, and my cart contents were also reproduced correctly.
Kind regards,
Hello again Ian,
Bizarrely it would seem that this issue may actually be a result of using CCleaner.
See these very interesting threads:
These are not isolated threads... there are other reports of the "System cannot find the path specified" error being caused by CCleaner... if you search on the web you will find them.
Incidentally, I don't use CCleaner myself, which could possibly explain why I'm not experiencing any difficulty in using the cart. Perhaps JJ could confirm if he uses the software? Have you used it on the Win8 machine? It may be a common denominator.
Kind regards,
I useCCleaner, but Ihavefoundno associationwithCCleaner.Since the errorseldomappearance, Icouldnotnarrowthisfurther.After about2-3daysofsingleerrorwas gone.
Ich verwende CCleaner, habe aber bisher keinen Zusammenhang mit CCleaner festgestellt. Da der Fehler nur selten Auftritt, könnte ich diesen nicht weiter eingrenzen. Nach ca. 2 - 3 Tagen war der Fehler einfach wieder verschwunden.
Gruss JJ
Thanks for the update, JJ
Kind regards,
It seems to be related or to the fact that the compatibility mode is enabled on IE and this is not allowing the local storage of the cart informations, and in this case the option is to click on IE F12 and check whic compatibility mode is active and change it to the latest Version installed, or check if deleting "Preserve Favorite Site Data" helps liek explained here:
Many thanks!
I have been away for a few days, but I have now looked at this again with compatability mode in IE10. First of all though I cleared the problem on IE10 by explicitly asking IE10 to remove all cookies and not just clean up temporary files (using IE10 cache clean up tools). After ran that with delete all cookies that the cart was ok on Win 7/IE10. It seems CCleaner was not cleaning out all the cookies like I thought it did.
When I now look at compatability mode I see that when mode is off then cart working ok, but when compatability mode in ON in IE10/Win 7 then the cart page does not render properly and that is bad because sometimes compatability mode is switched on accidentally by the user in another session and it remains as teh default setting foreever because the user does not know about it/what it does/how to switch it off or on. When mode is OFF then cart (step 1) renders ok.
The ability to accidentally have compatability mode switched on can be elimianted by adding Microsofts edge code just after title in head if no other conditional elements are included before head (as in boilerpplate varaiable for ie6,7 and 8). The code is - <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" > - and this code in effect turns off posibility to use compability mode. However, there are some provios against using it as you can see if you google the code.
PS I have not used CCleaner on Win8 machine.
Many thanks for this useful tip, Ian!