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Milos D.
Milos D.

Responsive templates  en

Автор: Milos D.
Просмотрено 2504, Подписчики 3, Размещенный 0  

What about RESPONSIVE templates possibility? Did you guys think about it???

3 Ответы
Riccardo P.

Hello Milos,

thank you foryourproposedidea, I will sendthis messageto ourdevelopment teamso as to beevaluatedalong withall the others.

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Размещено От Riccardo P.
Juergen S.
Juergen S.

I'm an aproved Multimedia Designer, and I tell you:

YES, that's VERY IMPORTANT!!! Yell

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Размещено От Juergen S.
Juergen S.
Juergen S.

One could define min. and max. screen-resolution, within which a layout-part, such as a left-side-menu or whatever appears. And layout-parts width you be percent insted of pixels, while the font-size is constant.... Nice subject to dream of about if it's about version 11 ... 8:o)=

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Размещено От Juergen S.