Upgrade suggestion 
Автор: John U.First of all let me use this opportunity to congratulate Incomedia team for their effort in Evolution 5/10. many would agree with me that major of the users here will be more happier if Incomedia will be able to include auto registration.
Version 5/10 also have data management ability which allows the designer to include database and users name and password including the host. The same we those information can also be use to create table to users registration etc.
As such we can have www.mywebsite.com/admin for admin to login and activate auto registration, what pages can be view by registered users , activation of registered users etc. Also time has come when the E-commence that is the shopping cart should be upgraded so that shop owners does not need to use the software again to update his/her shops rather once the site is uploaded he/she can use the admin url to upload need products, delete obsolete ones, update prices and discount, shipping and payment details.
I know i am asking much because the market today is competitive and as such we all need software that is not only effective but also efficient. I like Incomedia bcuz its user friendly and i have been using it for years as such want it to explore our suggestions and put it to work. They already have the capabilities and this is the time to keep it moving.
I Have made a suggestion which I expected you guys to reply and give us a tip of what we should be expecting in the future upgrade.
Hi John, thanks for your suggestions. I appreciate the idea of the auto-registration. I mean the possibility for any user to choose a login and password and access to a reserved area.
The online editing for the shopping cart could be hard to do. Note that if you extend this capability to all the project, WebSite X5 should work totally online, as a CMS... but this is a long discussion
. Our goal is to let the user be able, via WSX5, to update the website as fast as possible in the same way he used to create the website the first time.
I can assure you that we are working to improve also the cart features... so stay tuned!
HEllo Steve,
Thanks for your reply.. The reason why i suggested the above two issues is because they are in demand by clients. For example after building a website for a client the first question they always ask is " Can I login to the admin and update it by myself" Even though you give the client the raw file they may not able to edit or even upload via FTP client.
Now the issue of Updating shopping cart via admin/online is a must. This is because when you create a shopping website for a client,they always update it with different products, price, discount, more details. You do not expect them to be calling and paying you on daily basis. Should you even purchase incomedia and install for them it will be a waste of them because they will mess up everything.
I am aware that Incomedia are using conventional method but gone are the days when people stick to old way of doing things... The trend is moving and better web desidn softwares are coming out on daily basis and in other to be at the TOP you guys need to step it up.
I am accostumed to your products but the issue here are our clients. Should i be creating another script and integrate it with incomedia each time i create a website for a client.. Sure i can.... but the issue is that for how long can i continue that way.... it is like a double work...
All that i am asking is for an enhancement but cosmetic makeup.... An exeptional product..
Hello John, well... there were many discussions about that. I say "discussions" because there were many ideas from our customers on how to deal with this request.
In these discussions different solutions have been listed. A web agency could act in different ways after creating the website first (custom template, custom contents, SEO), they are:
The goal, in this last case, is to permit to the end user to update his website alone, but why tech him how to use an "online control panel" instead of use wsx5?
Note that the end user could decide to change the cart products, but he could also decide to add some text/images/videos (ie: a promo page), to add/delete a page, etc... so he will need to be able to edit quite all the project...
I don't want to convince you, I just reported what our customers discussed about.Hope this could help you.
Thanks, Steve