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James Becker
James Becker

Change Date Format In The X5 Blog?  en

Автор: James Becker
Просмотрено 1261, Подписчики 3, Размещенный 23  
Тэги: blog,date,format

As it is now the date format in the blog is 12/06/2011 for June 12, 2011. That is really confusing to us poor souls here in the USA. For June 12, 2011 we would expect 06/12/2011.  Is there a way to change the format?  I'm not afraid to tinker with code if that is what it takes.

Maybe in the next update to v9 a choice could be offered to allow the user of v9 choose the date format they want.

Have a good day.

3 Ответы
BmT 3000
BmT 3000

Quite sure there is a way to change the date format. If I remember, you could try changing the format in the Language Content Management windows, in step 1. 

There is a variable called date_format, in the list. Just try changing it from the default

[D] [dd] [M] [yyyy] to [D] [M] [dd [yyyy]

It should work... never tried... the poor sools where I live are happy with the default format (lol).


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Размещено От BmT 3000
James Becker
James Becker

Sigh...... BmT,  No luck, I changed the format as you suggested but it did not work.

In  [D] [dd] [M] [yyyy] what does:
1. [D] means?? Day?
2. [dd] means??  I have no idea
3. [M] means?? Month?
4. [yyyy] means?? Full year?

Thanks for your time..... JamesKB

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Размещено От James Becker
BmT 3000
BmT 3000

Will ask the support team for the correct meanings but I assume that [D] stands for Date, dd for Day, M for Month and YYYY for the year's digits. 

Will also ask them how to change the format. Expect an answer tomorrow (they're closed on weekends).


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Размещено От BmT 3000