Does X5 support backend to control shopping cart? 
Автор: Guany L.
Просмотрено 2488,
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I am using X5 version10 to create a website for my client. I have a question about shopping cart. Can my client upload the products by self? for example using backend to do those things. does X5 support backend to control shopping cart?
Alltasks are processedin the project,if thecustomer wants to dothe maintenance of theitems in yourcart, it mustinstallWX5and editthe project itself.Analternatelyprocessing by the customerandis only possiblebythe entire project istransferredin each case,orby workingvia remotesoftware onthe customer's system.With veryfast Internetaccesscouldalso accessa common dataareawith the project(thedrive /data structures forbothusers mustbe exactly the same).
you don't have backend for the shopping cart....and I check the files X5 does not use xml file to handle products...Does any way I can do codong for backend of X5 shoping cart ?
Hello Guany,
The program is not supporting the possibility to have an online backend for the shopping cart but it can only be updated with the program on the computer.
I would like to suggest that you open an "Idea" Post where you describe to us the feature you would like to see implemented in the future releases of WebSite X5.
Masny thanks!