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Rob Blue25
Rob Blue25

Image Align  en

Автор: Rob Blue25
Просмотрено 1019, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 20  
Тэги: align,image

How can i adjust the left image (laptop) correctly? 
The image was originaly larger (height 213 width 250) and looked in correct position, but oversized.  I reduced it to the current size (height 147 & width 190), but now is offset, also it offsets the other images.  Scrrenshot with html attached.  I am using a HTML & Widgets object.

2 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Samantha M.

Hi Robert!

But why are you using the HTML &Widget object to add an image?

Did you try to adjust the ''cell margins'' - ''custom margins'', icon option in the page creation section?

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Размещено От Samantha M.
Rob Blue25
Rob Blue25

Because of the limitations of table / cell customisation and the inserting of images in a cell in X5V9.  I used html to create a table with custom cells and to insert the images.  I will insert image objects inconjuction with the html table, and try the cell margins icon to align correctly.  Thanks.

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Размещено От Rob Blue25