Travel agency 
Автор: Raul T.
Просмотрено 2081,
Подписчики 1,
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Hello, I work with Evolution 9 and I want to create a travel agency website. I want to can sort/filter my offers. Could help me Evolution 10 or do you have an idea for this? I tried to work with products (one product = one order), but don't help me because i don't can filter after few features. For example: Thank you. Raul T.
Hello Raul,
Can you please explain me how do you want to filter the offers?
Do you have any examples?
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio,
OK, for example I have a page on my web site with all city breaks offers. The customer want to see just city breaks offers for Milano city, cost between 300 euro - 500 euro, period: octomber 2013, etc.
The filters are: city (Milano), cost and period. If I have 100 offers and the client will interest in Milano city offers (he must see just 10 offers, for example) he will lose more time to find the offer.
Another example is online shop where the client want to find a product after few features.I attached a file for this example.
I hope I explained well.
Thank you!
Raul T.
Hello Raul,
At the moment it is not possible to have this feature in WebSite X5. I would like to suggest that you open an "Idea" Post where you describe to us the feature you would like to see implemented in the future releases of WebSite X5.
If you find a custom code to get this feature, this code can be added in WebSite X5 with the HTML and Widget object in step 3. In this way, if you find scripts that suit your needs, you can easily use them inside the Software. Also if I cannot give support to third party custom code, I can explain you how to add it in WebSite X5.
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio,
Ok, Thank you!