Problem with the distance to the menu 
Автор: Asen P.
Просмотрено 2064,
Подписчики 1,
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I use WSx5 ev 9 and have a problem with the menu. Can anybody tell me how to fix the distance between keys is the same. You can see the distance of the photo is labeled "A" and "B".
Thanks in advance for your help.
The distance between theMenubutton is alreadythe same, butsince the wordsin the menuare of different lengths, there aredifferent spacingbetween the words.If youcreate avisiblebuttonormakethe color of thebuttonwhen you hoverwith the mousevisible soyou can seetheactualsize of thebutton.If youmake the fontin the buttonleftor right,you can also seethat the distancefrom the firstto the first letter(ifleft-justified)is the same.
That I understand but that words are of different lengths can be corrected or the distance buttons are fixed and do not allow corrections. Example, to become like the attachment.
Hello Asen,
The main menu is made of images with the text you added and every image has the same length and so when one menu has a longer word and the other a shorter one it seems to be more distance. You can choose to activate a backround color for the menu so it will all seem to the same distance. the only way to get the menu like you posted it would be necessary to deactivate the main menu and create it manually in the header with the text object where you add to every title a link to the specific page.
Many thanks!