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Rune T.
Rune T.

Dynamic content FAIL  en

Автор: Rune T.
Просмотрено 1073, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: content,dynamic

Fail on admin area after trying to get dynamic content to work.

See attached picture. I am using the right path (got it from the internet host / webhotel) but still it shows FAIL in red field.

What can possibly be wrong? I have set permissions on the server to 777 on the folder.

Since the error message FAIL comes up, I cant use dynamic content and there is no way to edit text after logged in as dynamic content user.

Appreciate any help or tip

Best regards


2 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Rune,

The path actually looks wrong from the screenshot.  It looks as if you may have entered the full path to the folder in WebSite X5 properties, instead of simply stating the subfolder where data is saved.

Just put the folder name alone in the relevant field within WebSite X5...  e.g. blogginnlegg

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Rune T.
Rune T.

Thank for replying.

The error came up because I put the path in the field where webpages (dynamic content) is created. I removed the path from that area, and after that things works perfect.



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Размещено От Rune T.