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Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout

Empty PHP page in X5 Prof. 10  en

Автор: Ruud Rombout
Просмотрено 2288, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: 10,empty,php,version,x5

Hi there,

Recently i bought X5 Professional 10. I migrate my website from version 9 to this new version. So far so good! But on my website I have enabled manual authentication. When I upload my website from X5 professional 10 to my hosting provider, everything works fine, but the PHP web-page give empty pages (and so i cannot login). Also the default admin page gives a blank page.

I have checked the files on the server and all the files are there. Even PHP is on for version 4.x and 5.x (checked that by my provider). The strange thing is, when I upload the same website from X5 version 9, all PHP pages and the login works fine, even the admin page works than......

So what can be wrong????


6 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout

Just for sure every PHP page is emptyUndecided

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Размещено От Ruud Rombout
Claudio D.

Hello Ruud Rombout,

Can you please write me the link to the website which has been uploaded with Version 10 so I can check what exactly happens and what is causing this issue?

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout

Hi Claudio,

I will provide the requested information tonight, when I'm home

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Размещено От Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout

Hi Claudio,

Below the link.

When selecting "Multimedia" and then "Video" from the site must go to On this site (made with version 9 of X5) I see than a login page with username and password or the possibility to request for a login name and password (The site is in Dutch...).

When I follow the exact same steps on the site, but then made with version 10 professional of X5, I get an empty page and the site goes directly to instead of first the login page (

Thanks in advance,

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Размещено От Ruud Rombout
Claudio D.

Hello Ruud,

Please download the attachment and then unzip it. You will have a file called x5engine.php which needs to be copied in:

C:\Program Files\WebSite X5 v10 - Professional\Res

Once done open the project again and then press the CTRL Key while you open the preview and then export the complete project again online and test if the php pages works.

Please keep me updated.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Ruud Rombout
Ruud Rombout

Hello Claudio,

After following your suggested steps, the PHP pages works great!

Thanks for your support.


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Размещено От Ruud Rombout