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Andries zijlstra
Andries zijlstra

Payment area  en

Автор: Andries zijlstra
Просмотрено 778, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: area,payment


Can you tell me if it can be possible in a short time to make more options in the payment area? I want when people buy something they can choose if they want buy 'last minute' things?

like when people buy chairs the can buy shoe cream or laces. Now i only see payment and delivery things. (See enclose)

kindly regards

2 Ответы
Claudio D.

Hello Andries zijlstra,

Thank you very much for the suggestion. Unfortunately I cannot tell you if and when this function will be added but we will take it in consideration for the future releases of the program.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Andries zijlstra
Andries zijlstra


Hope you can arrange this because i think it will be a welcome part of this programm...

kindly regards

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Размещено От Andries zijlstra