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Monica A.
Monica A.

How to highlight the menu item of the active page?  en

Автор: Monica A.
Просмотрено 1092, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

How to highlight the menu item of the active page people are surfing on?

It is a way to tell people where they are and it should be possible with css.

for an example test page:

Is there an option in Website X5 or does it have to be added manually with html code and css?

Thank you.


3 Ответы
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Monica,

I see that JJ. JUAG and Claudio have already answered your query:

If you follow their instructions then you will be able to achieve that effect in the menu very easily with WebSite X5  -  I use it on my own sites all the time and can guarantee it works.  There is no need to use external HTML or CSS.

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Monica A.
Monica A.

Hi Paul,

Thank you. Can you give me an example of one of your websites where you use this feature?

In the meantime we will try again.

Regards from the Netherlands,


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Размещено От Monica A.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Monica,

Yes, of course...  you can go to http://*************** if you like, and you will see the feature in operation there.

Best regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.