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P. Andresen
P. Andresen

Bug? anomaly at the bottom of search page  en

Автор: P. Andresen
Просмотрено 1083, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: bottom,part,screen

Look at the strange bottom of the page. It is moved a bit to the right. This is the only page this appear. Bug?

Republish did not work.

4 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Claudio D.

Hello P. Andresen,

Please try to open the project and then press the CTRL Key while you open the preview so all files are updated and then export the complete project again to see if the same happens.

Please keep me updated.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
P. Andresen
P. Andresen

Done that, been there.

It does not happen in preview, the footer displacement shows only when published to server. 

In Google Chrome and in MS Explorer. Same.

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Размещено От P. Andresen
P. Andresen
P. Andresen

BTW: It happens only on this "special page" imsearch.php.

And when I use an URL link to in a menu option or text-link, publish it, access the pages - klick on the link - it all crash with two error messages. Same in preview.

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Размещено От P. Andresen
Claudio D.

Hello P. Andresen,

I also noticed the same behavior of the footer which is movedc in the search page and I already informed the developers. They will check the issue and, in case, fix it in the future updates. You will receive a notification of a new update in the opening screen of WebSite X5 and you can see the changes made in the updates on .

About the link issue can you please explain me the steps made to experience the issue?

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.