Can't Complete Registration And Get Started 
Автор: Henrik Hast Christiansen
Просмотрено 2649,
Подписчики 2,
Размещенный 46
I have bought and installed webiste x5 Evolution 9, but it keeps asking me to register. I have tried 5 times, but it keeps looping and start over asking me to register. This is the third version I have bougth, and I'm really pissed, it doesn't work. If I don't get a fast solution for this stupid problem - I will return the product.
. . . you did enter same mail as in *answers* - and looked up in your profile for code ?
If you got a former mail (from v7 / v8) you have to use this one !
Yes, I did use the same e-mail adress, and when I view userprofile it says I have registered yesterday.
But it continues to loop when I start the program.
When I have completed the registration, the program tells me the registration is completed with succes and i should tap the start button to use the program.
When I do that, everything starts over, and the registration procedure starts up again.
Come on crew, give me a solution that works.
Is it possible to get some help here?
Or should I just give up and return my product?
Hahahaha - Really funny. I just tried to instal my purchase on my labtop, and now I get an errorcoe 314 - telling me I have had to many requests for activation, and I should contact support.
But there is apparently no support at Incomedia - just a moderator asking questions!
Sad to discover the lack of profesionnals at this company.
Come on, get going! Give me a solution!
Why do you ask me to contact support, when you don't answer?
Is there a secret support who does answer?
Please enlighten me!
You should know that Incomedia's staff are not working during weekends. You should get an answer tomorrow.
And moderators are doing their best (benevolently) in the meanwhile.
Thanks for the info.
It would be relavant to share the opening hours of the support team on incomedias website.
It would be even better if my upgrade worked out of the box.
Come on, support. Get me going with my purchase!
I've already sent a direct request to the support. Please, leave them some time to answer.
I also have problme, i have downloaded , installed, and when i check for update it says i am not registered, i am , but it is only the old versions that is registered, how to get the update , ANyone.....
Hi Henrik Hast Christiansen,
the program is correctly registered with the e-mail address
"***" and by now two unlock codes have been provided.
I kindly ask you to run the program as administrator. Indeed, do right mous click on the program icon and selet "run as admin".
Thank you,
Is this a joke?
I have no followed your instructions, and nothing has changed.
After I started the program as administrator and I have written the code and my e-mail into the form as requested, I get the message: Registration is a succes, press start to start the program.
Then the registrationform appears once again and loops over and over again.
I am very disapointed with the lack of support you do provide.
You mention two unlockcodes have been provided?
Where are they, and how should I use them, when it is impossible to go further than the registration form?
Please! I am very close to give up on you, and cancel my order.
Habe das gleiche registrierungsproblem mit version smart 9. Ausführen als administrator!!!, hilft auch nicht. Nach eingabe des passwortes kommt die fehlermeldung "aktivierungsfehler 503". Es ist zum verzweifeln, denn mit mail-adr. und passwort wird der account erreicht, jedoch das programm nicht aktiviert. Was soll der mist, zumal das programm nicht ohne programmleichen zu entfernen ist.
Vielleicht findet incomedia ja eine lösung.
so long
Suddenly I succeded in getting things to work on my labtop running windows XP, but it doesn't work on my primary computer running Windows 7.
What to do?
No help from you guys, but I have googled the problem and checked my files. It seems like the installed program is missing this file: licence.iwl
I have discovered you were made aware of the problem, I experience, in october 2011.
At this point your supportperson tells the dissatisfied customer the problem is passed to your tecnical staff.
The person had patience and waited for more than 16 days, and did not get her problem solved.
My patience is about to run out!
Another day wasted waiting for a solution - this is not OK!
Your company must be understaffed at the support team or you must have major problems with your produkt - so sad!
What is the matter with you at Incomedia. Why are you taking a piss on your loyal customers?
I have bougtht your product twice before?
I have paid for the third time and I have received a nonworking product and your support concists of questions, bad advice and silence.
Hi Henrik Hast Christiansen,
we are working on your issue and we are trying to understand why this problem does occur on Windows 7 systems.
I have sent you a private message concerning your problem to unlock the Danish version of WebSite X5 Evolution 9. Please , see
Kind Regards,
If you expect to get software which works out of the box, don't buy this!
I have been struggling with Incomedia for more than a week getting question after question and waiting days for support.
I still haven't a working software on my Windows 7 computer.
Accordin to Incomedia - it is not their fault.
The problem is caused by Microsoft.
Hi Henk I have a feeling this is a proxy setting that is causing the problem. Could I ask you to go to your browser and select tools/internet options/connections/LAN settings and see if local cache is enabled - if enabled uncheck it and apply and close the browser. Reopen the browser. You should no longer loop. This is niether a problem with Windows 7 or V9. It is a problem with the local proxy cache settings.