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Colin S.
Colin S.

Email sent from website includes random text  en

Автор: Colin S.
Просмотрено 2262, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

My website includes the email form feature with a checkword (catchpa) but I am getting some inbound emails filled with random text and other rubbish. I thought that using a checkword would prevent this from happening. Also fields such as email address which should be validated to include @ contain random text without an @. 1. Am I doing something wrong? 2. Is there anything else I can do to stop these emails? Thanks

2 Ответы
Colin S.
Colin S.

Thanks Andre. Not all emails are affected as those completed by customers are ok. I assume that it is bots/spam software causing the problems. As some are getting through ok the email settings in X5 should be good. Mine is set to 'standard'


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