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Lorien K.
Lorien K.

License Question  en

Автор: Lorien K.
Просмотрено 617, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


I see you can install the license on 2 computers.  What happens if you use up your 2 licenses and then you buy a new pc or one of your computers crash and you need to put the license on another one (which would be considered a 3rd one)?  Do you have to buy another license?

Thank you,  L

2 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Andre E
Andre E

No you don't, if you have trouble post it here and Incomedia will check it and correct it if necesary.

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Размещено От Andre E
Lorien K.
Lorien K.

Thanks again, Andre.  That's good to know :)

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Размещено От Lorien K.