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Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

Robots.txt - robots  en

Автор: Duncan Baker
Просмотрено 2093, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: robots,txt

Help says that WebSite X5 generates the robots.txt file and adds it to the website's main directory. But I cannot see one.

I am happy to configure this manually but would it then be picked up by the analyse and optimise the wesbite feature.

Grateful for guidance!

4 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

I know have a robots text which I have uploaded - but Project Analysis tells me I don't have one.

Not a big problem as it is there - but is there a problem with Project Analysis?

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Размещено От Duncan Baker
Andre E
Andre E


If you have set General settings and expert tab to include the robot.txt and automaticly create include the sitemap.

Then run analytics again. The message should then be gone.

The analytics run's once and checks your project (not your internet site so uploading will not make no difference to the anaylytics report)

So if you change something, then run it again, press start, and see if it is better.

If your satisfied then you know your project is good and then you can upload.

Just something else, it's not always necesary to get this at 100 % for all the tabs.

Offcource errors needs to handled.

But I leave sometimes alerts and information on purpose with a message in the analythics because I don't want the information to be used or shown.

What I mean to say is, your website will run, even with messages, that's no problem the analytics warns you or informs you about your project.


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Размещено От Andre E
Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

Thank you

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Размещено От Duncan Baker