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Webmaster S.
Webmaster S.

Image Generation Error. URGENT INQUIRY  en

Автор: Webmaster S.
Просмотрено 1488, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Image Generation Error. URGENT INQUIRY Is a major issue with website x5 evo 9. i have read peoples commentS IN THE FORUM and most are having this same problem i am having but no valuable solution from incomeadia please sort this out ASAP . I rely heavily on your product which i paid good money for. otherwise i am afraid i will have to be asking for a refund. This problem happens particularly using show objects i have tried everything but and i keep getting this. including starting a new project. this is definitely a bug in your software perhaps in your updates pls have a look and get back asap. Many Thanks Sam

2 Ответы
Webmaster S.
Webmaster S.

This is a totally new project that i created

Your update have certainly created a bug in this software.

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Размещено От Webmaster S.
Claudio D.

Hello Webmaster S,

Are the images still present in the computer or have been these moved or deleted after you added these in the project?

If these are still in the same folder from where they have been added in the project try to press CTRL while you start the preview and then export the project again online.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.