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Peter Hillebrecht
Peter Hillebrecht

Not overwrite the previous version  en

Автор: Peter Hillebrecht
Просмотрено 1231, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: overwrite

I edited my first website and uploaded it. When opening the URL ist still shows the prvious website or portions thereof. It simply did not overwrite the previous version. What is to do?

Peter Hillebrecht, San Diego

1 Ответы
Wayne B.
Wayne B.

Hi Peter, it may have actually done so, but you need to refresh your browser cache to be able to see the changes. I use Firefox and just click on the little refresh curly arrow thing (very descriptive, I know) on the right of the address bar.

Give this a try.

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Размещено От Wayne B.