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Panayiotis C.
Panayiotis C.

Transfer site to a new PC  en

Автор: Panayiotis C.
Просмотрено 517, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: import,site

Hi I used to have x5 Evolution 10 on my computer but computer broke down so i got a new one and installed software.

Since i've included the old HDD to the new PC is there any way to import the site so i don't have to make it from the start ? I never exported as .iwzip but only as site to my hard disk and server. I see that the site is also being saved on x:\users\login\documents\incomedia\Website X5 v10 - Evolution\Nameofsite\ directory but can't find an .iwzip Thanks

3 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

do you have the backup files included in you folders

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Размещено От Jamie B.
Panayiotis C.
Panayiotis C.


No, the folders that contain files are the Library, Preview, Upload while Backup folder is empty. There are also 4 other files metadata.xml, metadataby.xml, preview.jpg, project.iwprj and project.xml

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Размещено От Panayiotis C.
Claudio D.

Hello Panayiotis C.,

start the program and then open the preferences and there set as "project folder" the folder on your hard disk where are inside the folders with the names of the projects where inside you find these files.

Once done the projects should appear in the project selection to open them.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.